FOLDING 4 WHEEL JUMBO CART/HOODWhen I bought this item unassembled, I thought that it would be easy to put together, after all these items are for little old ladies, and I was a younger woman.
How hard could it be I thought?

My first surprise was how heavy this cart was, then came the wheels which are made of plastic, which puzzled me, as strong as the metal was I expected better on tires, though I thought they might be made of rubber when I first bought this.Then came the instruction sheet which wasn't very well written, and came with more pictures than words.

First I had to check to see if all the items for assembling this item were included, then read, reread, and reread and decifer the pictures that were the instructions.Perhaps it is just me, but putting a small wire clip into a several small holes that all needed to be lined up, is harder than it looks on paper.

I finally got it assembled, and found that the plastic sleeve on the handle is worthless, I cut mine off and threw it away, it kept sliding around and made it hard to get a good grip on the handles.

I then took my cart shopping with me, my intentions were to use this cart to bring in all my groceries from the car into the house in one trip.

This cart holds alot, but doesn't turn well when fully loaded, so start out with the cart, unloaded, in the direction you want to push or pullit.

I actually pulled the cart, as I had to go up stairs with it, and it worked better pulling than pushing it.

It is very well made, just hard to put together, hard to turn when full, but if you needed a cart like I do to get up and down the stairs with one load rather than multiple loads, then this will work well for you.I gave this a four star for the above average size, and quality of the cage that makes up the cart.

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Product Description:
Huge cart folds flatfor storage, 3'3" x 20 x 20 1/2" jumbo wire basket. Optional vinyl water-repellentliner with hood (not shown).



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